Sunday, May 22, 2011

From My Studio

The good news is spring is finally here! It seems no matter how hard I try to stay on top of my blogging, I slip behind! At this point I would have to say that this is me, hopefully.... someday...... I will be better at this but till then, I will try my best. I have been very busy in my studio painting away! I hope you enjoy a few of my new items.

Love Fleur de lis! Welcome Sign and Keepsake Box

Vintage Baby Cradle and Antique & Vintage Buckets

Ouu la la!

Hope you enjoyed!
Wishing you a wonderful evening!

Thanks so much for stopping by!


  1. PRECIOUS DEBI!!!! OMG IT IS YOU! And look at your art work, AGAIN!!!! You are the pro of the pros my dear! It is so good to see you dearest! I know you have a busy schedule, but THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS AND FOR VISITING ME! HEY....would you like to PARTICIPATE in the Paris PARTY by posting some of your Paris-inspired art NEXT SATURDAY? If you are interested, please let me know and I will put your name down on my list and then my readers and others can link to you and visit your art! Just a thought....I am telling people they can post on PARIS: SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE on ANYTHING THEY WANT...crafts, food, music, art, ANYTHING!!

    Let me know and have a glorious Monday!!! BLESSINGS, Anita

  2. Dear Anita,
    You are so sweet! Good to see you too! Wish I had more hours in a day and could keep up with it all!!!I would love to be part of your Paris "Simply Irresistable" and post my French inspired art. I hope you are well and enjoying spring!Have a wonderful Wednesday!

  3. DEBI!!!!! YES, PLEASE, BE A PART OF THE PARTY! This is what we will do:

    I will put you on my list and I will grab your link right here. Then on Saturday, NICE AND EARLY, have your post published. I am hoping that visitors will link to all the participants on my list!!!! THANK YOU DEAREST FOR COMING BACK TO LET ME KNOW YOU WOULD DO THIS; your art is SO FRENCH INSPIRED and I know that it will be a fun party because everyone is having completely DIFFERENT views of Paris! Mine is completely different and join in on the fun. If you come to my post tonight or before Saturday, you will see you name on my list. I am going to put you somewhere in the beginning or middle of the list to make sure people GO SEE YOU!!!! Have a great evening, Anita

  4. Debi- what a beautiful site! I'm over from linked in!
